Recent News

Mayor Brandon M. Scott Joins Mayors for a Guaranteed Income

Baltimore Mayor Brandon M. Scott officially joined the Mayors for a Guaranteed Income and committed to launching a guaranteed income pilot to increase economic security among low-income residents.


Mayor Scott Releases Transition Report

Following an inclusive process that included more than 250 Baltimoreans, Mayor Brandon M. Scott has released his transition report.


Baltimore Board of Estimates Approval Would Advance COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Program

On Wednesday February 10, 2021 the Board of Estimates is scheduled to review the COVID Emergency Assistance Program, an initiative that would provide critical support to low-income families who do not typically access government assistance program.


Mayor Scott, Health Commissioner Announce New Collaboration with Local Healthcare Partners to Provide Mobile Vaccination Clinics in Baltimore City

Mayor Brandon M. Scott and Health Commissioner Dr. Letitia Dzirasa joined partners from MedStar Health, Lifebridge Health, Johns Hopkins Medicine, and the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing to announce a mobile vaccination and outreach strategy targeting older adults in Baltimore City.


Mayor Scott, Health Commissioner Launch New COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard

Mayor Brandon M. Scott and Health Commissioner Dr. Letitia Dzirasa announced the launch of a new COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard as a resource for city residents looking for more information on Baltimore’s vaccination progress.


Mayor Brandon M. Scott Announces 100 Days of Action Tracker

Mayor Brandon M. Scott announced a tool that will allow the public to follow along with progress made during the first 100 days of his administration.


Mayor Scott Announces Second Round of Grant Funding for Restaurants and Taverns in Baltimore City

Mayor Brandon M. Scott announced that another $3.9 million will be available to provide grants to restaurants and taverns in Baltimore City. 


Mayor Calls on Governor for Improved Coordination on Vaccine Distribution

Mayor Brandon M. Scott issued a statement on challenges with coordination at the State level, impacting Baltimore’s COVID-19 vaccination strategy.


Mayor Scott Partners with E-Waste Recycler PCs for People to Help Close Digital Divide

Mayor Brandon M. Scott and the Baltimore City Office of Information and Technology (BCIT) joined forces with PCs for People to coordinate an effort to collect and donate more than 900 computers and other equipment to low-income students and families in Baltimore City.


Mayor Scott's Statement on Baltimore City's COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy

Mayor Brandon M. Scott released a statement on Baltimore’s COVID-19 vaccination strategy and news that the Biden administration plans to boost the weekly supply of vaccines to states.

