Recent News

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Makes Friendly ALCS Wager with Kansas City Mayor Sly James

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake offered a wager to Mayor Sly James of Kansas City, Missouri, as the cities' Major League Baseball teams prepare to face off.

DPW Annual Report Now Available

This informative report highlights the department’s major accomplishments in fiscal year 2014, including 

Press ReleaseDepartment of Public WorksDPW

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Hosts City's First Manufacturing Forum

Baltimore's first Manufacturing Forum explores current industry challenges, examines potential to grow Baltimore.

Citywide Street Sweeping—A "Sweeping Success"

The Baltimore City Department of Public Works announces the first results from citywide street sweeping.

DPWDepartment of Public Worksbureau of solid wasteRudolph S. Chow

WBAL-TV Covers Safe Streets Baltimore Award

WBAL-TV highlights Safe Streets Baltimore in the Park Heights community: "Safe Streets Baltimore Awarded Ravens Honor Row"

Mayor Releases New Americans Task Force Report

The Role of Immigrants in Growing Baltimore, Recommendations to Retain and Attract New Americans offers 32 recommendations to...

Winners of Growing Green Design Competition Announced

Winners of the Growing Green Design Competition: Vacant Lots Transformed winning projects were awarded nearly $300,000 for design and construction.

IMAGE: Mayor Rawlings-Blake poses with Turtle, mascot of the Growing Green Initiative

Baltimore Welcoming Week

The City of Baltimore will highlight the importance of joining together in a spirit of unity to build a better, safer, and stronger Baltimore that embraces new and native-born Americans.

Baltimore Welcoming Week

Curfew Violation Numbers Released

Since the opening of the Youth Connections Centers in August, a total of 120 nighttime curfew violations were issued by the Baltimore Police Department.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Announces Free Inner Harbor Wi-Fi

Inner Harbor Wi-Fi Project Phase 1 allows Baltimore City residents and tourists visiting the Inner Harbor to access free Wi-Fi service along the promenade.

IMAGE: Baltimore's Inner Harbor at dusk during 2012's Star-Spangled Sailabration
