Recent News

City of Baltimore Celebrates Young Adults Employed Through Public-Private Career Mentoring Pilot Program

Baltimore, Maryland (November 25, 2015) – Baltimore City’s Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED) and Department of Public Works (DPW), together with the Chesapeake Water Environment Association (CWEA), will celebrate on Thursday, Dec. 3 the successful completion of a pilot career mentoring program and recognize the 15 young Baltimore City residents now employed full-time because of it. DPW, MOED, and CWEA launched the Baltimore City Water Industry Youth Career Mentoring Program in January 2015 with the dual goals of educating local young adults about the water industry and its career opportunities, and developing a pipeline of future workers with the right skills to fill entry-level positions in the field.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Announces New Appointments to the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners

Appointments reflect Mayor’s continued commitment to expanding educational excellence and improving City schools for all students.


Mayor’s Office of Human Services Creates Emergency Food Working Group

Goal is to create a food plan to prepare for future disasters or emergencies.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake, Health Commissioner Wen Announce New Federal Grants to Support Violence Prevention Efforts

$1.5 million in funding from U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to increase support for male violence survivors, support Safe Streets expansion.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Announces $109,000 in Grant Funding Awarded to Baltimore City Anchor Plan to Support Four Projects

City to receive Award of Excellence in Collaboration for its community and economic development strategy focused on Baltimore City neighborhoods.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Appoints Neal M. Janey Jr. as Director of Public Safety

Former police officer and prosecutor will also serve as Director of Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice.

City's Fall Leaf Collection Program Begins October 19

City's Fall Leaf Collection Program Begins October 19 

Baltimore, Md. (October 16, 2015)—The temperatures are falling, and so are the leaves.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Announces Finalists For Design of New City Gateway Signage

Project will develop a set of design solutions and improvements that will ensure Baltimore’s gateways reflect the diversity and creativity found throughout the City.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Announces She Will Not Run for Reelection

Says campaign would distract from challenging decisions facing Baltimore.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Announces Appointment of Members to Special Commission to Review Baltimore’s Confederate Statues

Special commission will conduct a thorough review of Confederate monuments on City-owned property and issue recommendations for their future.


Baltimore Confederate Statue
